While in the process of selling your existing home or looking for a new home the many details of moving house can be difficult to keep track of and the time involved is often underestimated. That’s why we have created this handy moving house checklist to help you keep up with all those little things and to keep you on track for the move, starting 2 months ahead of time!

2 Months Before Your Move
Approximately 2 to 3 months out from the move you want to start looking at ways to make your move a little easier. The main way to do this is by decluttering or getting rid of all the things you do not wish to take with you and to start packing away things you won’t need in the next three months.
1. Declutter
It’s time to start getting rid of all those things that you no longer need or use, or don’t want anymore. This means wading through the back of the wardrobe, cleaning out the garage, getting rid of rubbish from the backyard, sorting through the kitchen cupboards and, yes, even tackling the linen cupboard.
If your items are saleable, TradeMe or local buy and sell Facebook groups are good for finding a new home for your unwanted stuff. Or you could donate clothing and kitchenware to your local charity organisation. Look out for clothing bins and recycling depots and you will easily avoid most of your items heading to the dump. Otherwise, a good old fashioned garage sale might do the trick. Tick off these areas as you go.
Bathroom cabinets
Linen cupboard
2. Start Packing
Once you have finished the process of decluttering the house it is a great idea to begin packing away the things you do want to keep but do not necessarily use on a regular basis. This might include things like ornaments, wall art, books, paperwork/albums etc. and kitchen items.
Wall art
Old paperwork
Unused kitchenware
3. Other Things To Organise 2 Months Ahead
Notify Your Landlord. If you are currently renting, it is a good idea to let your landlord know your intended move out date now.
Book The Moving Truck. If you are planning on a DIY move, it pays to book your moving truck, van, or trailer well in advance to ensure you are able to get the right size and type of truck best suited to your needs. See here for more information on how to choose the right size rental truck.
Organise Storage. If you are planning on placing some of your items in storage for a while then it’s good to book this now to ensure availability.
Do The Paperwork. Getting the paperwork done for new schools/childcare centres for the kids, new doctors/dentists, etc. is a good job to tick off the list now when you aren’t overwhelmed with other moving tasks.
Consider Your Pets. Do you need to book a boarding kennel? Pet travel arrangements? Vaccinations? Certifications?
Eat Up! Start cutting back on buying new stocks of pantry items or meat for the freezer. You want to try and eat up any food that is going to be difficult to transport or impractical.
1 Month Before Your Move
Now that you have all the basics in place and the move date is coming up fast, it’s time to attack some of the details of the move including insurance, power and phone as well as getting your change of address sorted.
1. Notify Utilities/Services
Now is the time to let your telephone and broadband suppliers, electricity and any other utilities of your new address, and move date. This may mean arranging for a final meter reading, cut off dates, and re-connection dates for the new property.
Sky TV
2. Insurance
Getting your insurance sorted for the move is also a good idea about one month out, this includes making sure you are insured up to moving day, while in-transit and at the new location.
House Insurance
Contents Insurance
In-Transit (moving day) Insurance
Storage Insurance
Pet Insurance
3. Change Of Address Checklist
Now is also a good time to start ticking off your change of address requirements, here is a good list for starters, add your own items as you go.
Redirection of mail (you can do this online)
The Electoral Role Register
Loyalty cards ( New World, Countdown, Farmers etc)
Insurance on vehicles and/or household insurance if you haven’t done so already
Life and health insurance policies
Stores/shops where you have accounts set up for online purchases
Notify relatives and friends
Club/hobby memberships
Your solicitor and/or accountant
Airpoints frequent flyer programme
Local council water/rates (these will usually be altered by your conveyancing lawyer at the time of purchase, but it does pay to check up on this)

1 Week Before Your Move
Hopefully, by now you have completed most of the packing and have all of your moving day paperwork in order. Now is the time to finalise the final details and get a jump start on the cleaning.
1. Deep Cleaning
If you are going to hire cleaners to come in after you’ve moved then you can skip this step – but if you are cleaning your current house yourself then it’s a good idea to get a head start before moving day. This includes cleaning the insides of cupboards, shelving, wardrobes and the bathroom (shower, vanity, bath etc.). Even though these things will be used again during the week it will mean they have had their deep clean and only require a quick wipe after everything has been removed on moving day. Take a look at our handy moving house cleaning checklist.
Kitchen Cupboards
Kitchen splashback
Bathroom vanity
Bathroom cupboards/drawers
Wardrobe shelving, floors
2. Create ‘Stays With Me’ Moving Box
Get a good size box and put in it anything that you will need immediately when getting to your new home. This might include things such as:
Towels for the first night
Electric jug, cups and coffee/tea
The TV remote
Toilet paper and soap
Broadband modem
Knives and forks
Valuables/jewellery/important documents
An easy breakfast and/or snacks for the first morning in your new home
3. Other Week Before Details To Remember
Confirm. Contact the real estate agent or building company to confirm when you are going to receive the keys to your new property.
Get The Laundry Sorted. Get any last minute laundry done ensuring everyone has what they need for the week.
Finish Packing. You need to aim to finish off the packing this week with only a few open boxes left to close up on the evening before the move.
The Day Before Your Move
With all of the packing done and the details completed its time to tick off those last minute things that will make the moving day run more smoothly.
Fill the car up with petrol, check tires, water and oil etc.
Charge your phone/iPad etc.
Prepare your existing house keys ready to leave behind
Make a pile of old blankets, sheets etc for protecting your furniture in transit.
Clean and prepare chilly bins for the remaining fridge and freezer contents
Clean windows
Water the plants
Moving Day Checklist
The big day has finally arrived! Let’s get an early start and get underway! Here is our quick and easy to follow moving day checklist to help you make sure you don’t forget anything on the day.
Empty the fridge and freezer into chilly bins
Put your ‘Stay With Me’ box in your car
Secure pets for transport if necessary
Ensure all boxes and belongings are removed
Vacuum each room after it is emptied
Wipe down bathrooms and kitchen
Empty the dishwasher
Mop floors
Take note of final meter readings
Empty rubbish bins
Check washing machine taps are turned off
Make sure all doors and windows are locked on departure
Perform a final check inside and out of the property to ensure nothing is left behind
Leave any information that may be useful to the new occupier, for example, operating instruction manuals etc.

Arriving At Your New house
Aim to arrive before everyone else if you can and perform a quick check of the property to take note of any existing damage and that all fixtures and fittings are working properly.
Open up all of the doors and windows to allow easy access
Check the water, gas and electricity are switched on
Get the beds set up and made
Find a box for each of the kids with their favourite belongings
Organise an escape free zone for the pets
Order some takeaways for dinner!
We hope this comprehensive checklist for moving house has been useful and congratulations on moving into your new home! Take a look here for more moving day advice, packing tips, rental truck driving safety and New Zealand relocation advice!